+44 7879 910 545 info@marrelle.com


Procedure Time

30 minutes

Recovery Time


Duration of Results

3 months

Visible Results

7-14 days

Prices From



Polynucleotides are molecular chains composed of nucleotides that play fundamental roles in genetics and biological processes and are the latest innovation in aesthetic medicine.

Polynucleotides work on fibroblasts, which are found in connective tissue responsible for producing collagen, elastin, and other proteins that help maintain the skin’s structure and elasticity. When applied to the skin or injected into the dermis, polynucleotides can stimulate fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin, promoting skin regeneration and improving its firmness, texture, and overall appearance.

Polynucleotides can also enhance the activity of fibroblasts by providing them with essential nutrients and signaling molecules necessary for their function. Additionally, they may help modulate the inflammatory response and promote tissue repair, leading to healthier and more rejuvenated skin.

Overall, the action of polynucleotides on fibroblasts can result in enhanced skin regeneration, increased collagen production, improved skin elasticity, and a reduction in wrinkles and other signs of aging. This makes them valuable ingredients in skincare products and aesthetic treatments aimed at rejuvenating the skin and promoting a more youthful appearance.

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